Thursday, December 24, 2009
Rest In Peace - No Jesus, No Peace ... Know Jesus, Know Peace (part 1 - Thoughts)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Psalmist and the Anti-Psalmist - Psalm 23 (part 1)
A-P: I’m on my own. No one looks out for me or protects me. I experience a continual sense of need. Nothing's quite right.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
A-P: I’m always restless. I’m easily frustrated and often disappointed.
It’s a jungle –I feel overwhelmed. It’s a desert – I’m thisty.
3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
A-P: My soul feels broken, twisted, and stuck. I can’t fix myself.
I stumble down some dark paths.
Still, I insist: I want to do what I want, when I want, how I want
But life's confusing. Why don't things ever really work out?
4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
A-P: I’m haunted by emptiness and futility – shadows of death.
I fear the big hurt and final loss.
Death is waiting for me at the end of every road,
But I’d rather not think about that.
I spend my life protecting myself. Bad things can happen.
I find no lasting comfort.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
A-P: I’m alone … facing everything that could hurt me.
Are my friends really friends? Other people use me for their own ends.
I can’t really trust anyone. No one has my back. I can’t even trust myself.
No one is really for me – except me.
And I’m so much… all about ME, sometimes it’s sickening.
I belong to no one – except myself.
My cup is never quite full enough. I’m left empty.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
A-P: Disappointment follows me all the days of my life.
Will I just be obliterated into nothingness?
Will I be alone forever, homeless, free-falling into void?
Sartre said “Hell is other people.”
I have to add, “Hell is also myself.”
It’s a living death,
And then I die.
We all are like sheep
We wander ... searching, seeking, longing for the flock we belong to and for the shepherd who can protect, provide, but more importantly love us for who we are.
Jesus Christ is that shepherd. He is the Good Shepherd ... who will carry you through the pain and strife of this life and guide you safely back to His home in heaven...
I was once a lost sheep, yet Jesus came to my rescue ... I was far from His flock, where I belonged, yet He still sought after me and found me in my helpless, hurting, hopeless frailty.
He can meet you wherever you are ... and if you are still reading this and don't know him ... He is gently trying to lead you back to Him ...back to the flock in which you belong.
There is no greater place to be ... than in the loving arms of Your Shepherd. For In Him, you'll not only find everything you need ... but you'll also find yourself...
"Anti-Psalm 23" written by Dr. David Powlison, professor at Westminster Theological Seminary and counselor at Christian Counseling Education Foundation since 1980. Also see commentary from David Powlison on Psalm 23 ...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Hope for the Helpless, Rest for The Weary, and Love for the Broken-Heart ...The Psalmist and the Anti-Psalmist - Psalm 23 (series)
Monday, October 5, 2009
We all belong somewhere! Where do you belong?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Taste and See the LORD is Good!!
I understand that many people don't understand what I mean because Jesus is so often grouped into a "religion" or "belief" system ... but Jesus isn't Santa Claus, Harry Potter, or Gandhi.
Jesus is far more than a religion, a belief system, or fictional characters.
Jesus is love. Jesus is hope. Jesus is life it's self. And from the moment I "tasted", in a metaphorical sense, Jesus ... life itself was beyond any type of illumination, enlightenment or anything else that I could ever attempt to describe or depict to you with words, pictures, or illustrations. The closest thing I can think of (which totally downplays it) is the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly ... once crawling ... now flying!
Jesus is the real deal!
I say all this because I know first hand, having "tasted and seen that the LORD is good". The loving relationship I have with God through him is soooo good. To save you from the long list of things I've done in my life that "felt great" and experientially was very "exciting, fun, and thrilling" ... I tell you the truth ... nothing compares to a relationship with God (by faith and a choice of love) in Jesus Christ.
So ... I'll leave you with this: Give Jesus a shot ...
What do you have to lose? I've tried a lot of things and I know you have as well ... so what's the "fear" with "tasting" Jesus. I challenge your heart to try out Jesus ... and say afterwards ... "nah ... I'm cool". Honestly ... it won't happen!
So although this isn't the best blog I've written ... I just wanted to burst out some of my joy, peace , and love that I have from my relationship with Jesus Christ onto this page ... in hopes that you might take a chance and see what I mean. I pray that you do ...
The first step to this: read the book of John with an open heart. (Found in the bible!)
Two: Make your stance ... and then you will see what I mean ... :)
Lastly ... I want you to know that I share this with you ... because I want all to experience this great love and joy that I have in my relationship and hope in Jesus Christ aka God's Son and the only bridge to God.
2 My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
3 Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.
4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
6 This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.
7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Food That Fills
Because they are hungry. Because their bodies tell them that it needs more of that "food" stuff. And without "food" we become weak, we become wearied, and we become desperate. A person who is starving and in need of food ... isn't picky or choosey when it comes to what food they eat ... for their body tells them to, "just give me anything ... any food ... that can fill and stop this horrible hunger that I feel". And so a person in desperation will eat practically anything, from anwhere, no matter what the costs, consequences, or later result.
Isn't this the way we live our life?
We feed and feed and feed ... as if we are starving ... and starving we are.
We feed on others' opinions, our appearance, our status, on momentary conditions, and positions in life.
We feed on money, on relationships, on achievements, on productivity, and mostly on things that feel good.
We feed from the minute we wake up ... until the moment we go to sleep.
We seek food and feed on "things" we think will fill us up ... yet day in and day out ... we are still hungry, we need more, and in the lack of satisfaction from the "food" we feed on ... in a sense ... we are still starving ...
We are still starving because we feed our bodies, we feed our minds, and we feed our desires ... but what we forget to feed ... is our soul.
For the food that the soul needs goes deeper and demands greater than the food this world can offer.
Our soul demands a food that removes the depression created from the dissatisfaction, the discontentment, and more importantly the disunity we have deep within.
Our soul hungers for only one type of food, it thirsts for a unique type of water ... and our soul can only quench that thirst and receive fullness from the hunger from the source that gives life, sustains life, produces life, and most importantly saves life ...
Jesus Christ....
Our Soul hungers for God ... for Love ... for acceptance ... for reason ... for Hope ... For Truth ... but also ... for Life
The only food that will ever fill the hunger deep within ... is the love that unites us with God, giving our life more than just hope, acceptance, and reason ... but the love that gives us life ... the light of life and hope for all humanity ... Jesus Christ.
In this world you will have many moments of opportunity that present you with many choices and decision that will impact your life tremendously ....
But above all opportunities ... above all important decisions and choices that you will make ...
there will be no greater decision, no greater choice, no greater opportunity ... than this:
Will You receive Jesus Christ as the hope for eternal life with God?
The only decision that will matter in your life ... is this!
For your decision will determine whether you stand "With God ... eternally" OR "Against God ... separated forever".
Friday, July 3, 2009
A Redeemer, not a system of redemption
The Good news is that Jesus Christ is not a "religion". Jesus Christ is not "a system of redemption". Jesus Christ is not "a set of principals, a step process, nor a collection of personal insights".
Jesus Christ is a Redeemer. Jesus Christ is Hope.
The Good news about Jesus Christ is that He is for everyone ... not just for "good people" or "deserving people" but for everyone.
Jesus Christ is hope for the hopeless, the redeemer for the diseased.
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life ... the only Hope that is able to not only redeem sinners, but to grant sinners "grace" -- heir-ship into the family of God ... eternally ... Heaven.
{Psalm 51:5} - Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.
Sin is the ultimate disease of everyone's life. Everyone is born with it ... no one can escape it or save themselves from it. Sin rules. We all are sinners ... and not matter how hard we try, commit, or pledge to do what is right ... despite our best intentions ... we will fail and will fall into sin (doing exactly what we don't want to do).* We are unable to do what is right.
"When Jesus commissioned his disciples to minister in his name, this is the message he told them to proclaim. That "redemption" - not just change, but restoration ... is found in Jesus Christ. That as we face our own struggles with sin and minister to people who seem trapped by things they cannot overcome, that this message (the truth) ... would become the Good News:
The world's philosophies are deceptive because it cannot deliver what it promises. It may be well researched and logically presented, but it is not centered on Christ.
Because Sin (the condition ... that results in the behavior) is what is wrong, true hope and help can only be found in a redeemer, in a person, in the hope -- In Jesus Christ Alone.
All other paths, all other methods, all other ideologies or "answers" will prove hollow.
There is no way "we" (alone) can do the "good" that God created us to do ...
The Good News is that there is a redeemer -- who not only restores your life ... but gives you life, (eternally).
You will not go to heaven by being a good person (so please don't take that gamble ... you have far too much to lose).
The way to Heaven -- eternity With God ... is through the Redeemer -- through a choice -- through The Hope -- Through Faith --- In Jesus Christ.
The Redeemer won't rescue me from hardship, suffering or loss. Jesus Christ is the Redeemer who comes to rescue me from myself.
There is Hope. There is "the answer". There is "the way". There is "a redeemer" ... his name is Jesus Christ.
27"Yes, Lord," she told him, "I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world." [ John 11:25-27]
"He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 4 Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. 6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. "
12 "For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. "
{Isaiah 53:3-6,12} ... written by the Prophet Isaiah hundreds of years before Jesus was ever born
We will always struggle ... we will collide with failure, short-comings, and disappointments that our sins have created for us. Beyond the love, encouragement, and support that we need ... we need rescue and Jesus is that redeemer. Jesus is hope and the love that will carry us through this life into the next; Jesus is love that will never fail.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Are You Ready To Die?
I don't know about you, but I tend to "forget" the big picture of my life frequently in the chaos,the clutter and the responsibilities of my day to day life.
After going through some hard times recently (some bumps in the road of life :) you can say), I was led to one of my favorite chapters in the bible ... Ecclesiastes chapter 3.
It begins off with a little something like this ...
"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven; A time to be born and a time to die ..."
And reading this verse it made me think ...That I should live joyfully and with my purpose in mind, but also that "today is just one less day that I will spend on earth and one day closer to the moment I will die and move on into eternity with God".
So here's a questions you won't get everyday ... How do you view death?
Is it something you don't like to think about or talk about? Is death something worth rejoicing about or do you dread it with intense grief, sorrow, and uncertainty? Do you ever think about death? Do you think about death only when someone dies or do you embrace it as an inevitable moment in your life?
Are you prepared to die ... is for better words ... what I am leading up to!
Many people would say no. Many people fear death. Many people don't want to think about death, let alone talk about it. Death is something we all just like to "forget".
We often lie to ourselves ... by extending the days we will live (in our minds) and by pushing off death to somewhere far far down the road.
But really there is no truth in that! The only truth you can hold is that the moment you were brought into this world ... the clock started its count down. The count down ... you might ask? Yes ... the countdown to chapter 1 of the great story ... death on earth ... and the beginning of eternal life beyond 3 dimensions.
Everyone who lives will also die, but everyone will also live eternally. Yet, Sadly ... not everyone will be with God ... for some will "choose" to live in eternity "separated" from God.
So the next question is: Do you want in or Do you want out?
In Heaven ---with God
In Hell -- Separated from God.
There is nothing intellectual about this question. It doesn't have to be measured or proven logical. It is what it is. It's like "love". It's like choice. Scientifically, intellectually, yada yada ... it doesn't need to be measured or assessed beyond your own understanding of the question.
If you could "choose" one ... which one would you "choose" and why?
There is no in between ... its one way or the other ... its Day or Night ... its Life or Death.
What did you choose?
So back on this topic of "death". If you could know the amount of time you had left ... would you really want to know? Would you live life any differently than you are living today. I wonder how differently you would see yourself, see your life, and see your time remaining before "the big day".
I've probably shared with you my treasures ... but I wonder what are the treasures of your own heart?
My treasures are -- Jesus, Love, and Family.
My heart and my life are invested in those three treasures. It directs How I live, the decisions I make, my priorities, and everything about me.
I am a man on a mission for Love, for God, and for others -- because of Jesus Christ.
This is my mission ... my calling ... while I am still alive.
It is to share with others the only way to heaven, the only hope of salvation, and the only life that is eternally "with God".
My life is not about achievements. My life is not about climbing the latter of a particular corporate structure. My life is not about "getting money, making money, or spending money". I don't care what I look like in the eyes of others or whether I'm pleasing everyone. My life isn't necessarily about "arriving" to a place in my life that completes the desires and dreams I hold within my heart.
I believe in what you will read below ... about what Jesus said the way to heaven is. If I didn't believe what He said ... then he is just another liar, a big fraud, and a fake that has produced a false hope for everyone. But I don't believe that.
I'm ready to die ... for I know that when I die ... I will go to heaven ... Not because of anything I did or because I'm a "good person and I deserve it" ... but because I place my "HOPE" and my "FAITH" in Jesus Christ for my salvation.
I will be going to heaven because of what Jesus did ... not what Drew did in this life. Therefore ... I'm free from the burdens and demands of meeting benchmarks and expectations our world places on us from the moment we are born. Will I work hard? Yes. Doe that mean I can do anything I want and live completely evil? No. But what it does mean is that I'm free to live a life filled with joy, peace, love, faith, trust and most importanly HOPE because Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is a living God ... living with me ... helping me every step of the day..
Do you have your ticket to heaven? Are you ready to die? How much time do you have left?
Where will you stand?
Jesus Said ... Before His Death on the Cross to His Disciples ... John 14:1-6
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God[a]; trust also in me. 2In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4You know the way to the place where I am going."
5Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?"
6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Good News ... There is Hope ... His Name is Jesus Christ
I apologize ... and I want you to know that I plan on really getting the blog back up and running starting tomorrow and here on out. I've been making my life and my focus to much about "ME" and not enough about "Jesus". But after sinking to the point of desperation these past few weeks, I finally cried out to the Lord and He came to my rescue as always.
Are you struggling with anything? I wonder if there are certain aspects of your life that you are focusing on that are hindering the other "important" areas of your life (like Jesus, Love, and Family)?
Keep your eyes on the SONSHINE and you cannot see the shadows -- Fix your eyes on Jesus and Trust in His Love. P.S - We are back in business baby ... the business of Hope, of Love, and of Salvation through Jesus Christ ... Check it out manana (means tomorrow in spanish ;) )
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Snares of the Enemy
I apologize ... and in humility ... would like share more about this, in greater detail, at a more appropriate time ... in hopes of showing other's how easy it is to get "entangled" by sin/distractions of life and in allowing the "cares of this world to darken our day".
So ...
Bottom line ... I have been struggling with alot of things (within me and around me) and have recently been brought to a humbling place in my heart ... and in a place of solitude ...allowing God to speak to my heart and to reconcile my passion and focus in living for the Lord, by the Lord, and in the Love of our Heavenly Father -- In Jesus Christ.
But as today is Father's Day ... I find it only appropriate to center the topic for the blog around "honoring our Heavenly Father" on this day.
:) Love and blessings ... (and prayers much appreciated and needed)
Monday, June 1, 2009
Looking Beyond Disappointments - pt.1- scripture
31What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 33Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
Looking Beyond Disappointment
The issue is How do we respond?
No matter who you are ... you are going to experience disappointment! Chances are you will experience a disappointment this week ... maybe even today.
There are several principles the bible gives us that allows us to "look beyond our disappointment".
I. God has a purpose for allowing the disappointments of our life.
We forget that He is God! He could prevent any disappointment if He wanted to.
God always has a purpose for allowing us to go through difficulties in our life.
God always has a purpose that is centered around "our good".
God has a "good purpose" for everything in your life.
In the midst of our disappointment ... we don't want to become stalled or derailed in frustration, anxiety, or hopelessness. Remember, God always has a good purpose for the disappointments we go through in life and therefore ... looking beyond our disappointments, we need to make the most of this opportunity in learning how to focus on Him and ask:
"What is it that you have in mind, what is it out there that you want me to learn, what is it about you ... that you want me to know, what is it about you, God, that you want me to learn?"
The second principal ...
If you love someone ... will you not always want what is best for them? If you love someone ... will you not always try to provide what is best for them?
So the question is: Does God love us? YES
Does God always want what is best for us? ALWAYS ... not sometimes, not most of the time ... ALWAYS! Does He provide His best for us? ALWAYS! Do we experience God's best all the time? NO! Why?
We don't always experience God's best because we are not willing to surrender to what "His best" is for us. God's choice for what is best isn't always our choice for what we feel is best. We think we have needs that God knows we don't have ... and we don't think we have needs, that God knows we do have.
That is why, often in our disappointments, because we lose, because there is loss or separation or something out there that happens that places us in a position of great disappointment .... we cry out "God ... How could you love me and allow this to happen?"
And all the time ... God is loving us. You know how I know that ... because God is love. It's God's nature to love and He does not know how to be or do anything different. God tells us through the bible that He loves us no matter what is going on in our life (his children).
The ultimate expression of love is the cross in which Jesus Christ died on for us. He carried all our disappointments, shortcomings, failures, and sins ... paying everything in full so that you can live with God in heaven ... is there anything more He needs to do for us ... NO nothing ... His love covers every aspect of our life.
So .. how do we claim victory in difficult times and look beyond disappointment ...?
Faith that God is in control will enable you to endure every disappointment that life throws before you!
If God is not in control of our lives ... we are like a child in a row boat ... lost out at sea in the middle of the storm; a victim ... with no help, no hope, and no assurance accept that we are alone.
If God is not in control ... we cannot have assurance about anything in life ... not one thing.
But the truth is ... God is in control of your life ... if you trusted Jesus as your Saviour.
So what about those who have not placed there faith or trust in Jesus Christ as their Saviour?
Is there any way for them to have confidence and hope in the face of the disappointments, difficulties, and troubles we face?
No ... no confidence, no faith, no nothing ... except themselves. Why? Because there is no way to "know" God personally and to have all your sin removed, so that the "sin wall" that separates us from God is removed ... apart from going through Jesus Christ. For those individuals who face disappointments and difficulties who haven't placed there faith in Jesus Christ ... there is no assurance, no rescue, and no peace ... just confusion, frustration, and deterioration of hope.
The only thing those individuals can be assured of is: that God loves you still ... and will do all that He can, in his power, to come to you and draw you to the rescue of Jesus Christ -- His love.
Besides this blog ... have you ever been approached in troubled times by the "thought of, or word ... Jesus Christ?" In that moment ... we can make a choice: (a). to go our way, reject God's offer to save, and to continue down the path of no hope -- those who make themselves their own God; OR (b). In our difficulty we choose to accept the help of God, turning to a love that is greater than ourselves and leaving all that crap behind us ... we turn to Jesus ... and find the rescue we need in His love, in His peace, and in a trust that we are now back in the arms of God, forgiven for all our sins ... because of our choice ... to place our faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God -our forgiveness of sin and Hope for eternal life/love with God.
In order to look past your disappointment ... we must turn to God and trust in His love and faithfulness. The first step is turning to God in prayer. The second step is to learn about the nature and character known as "God the Father" and "Jesus Christ" in the bible so that you can know "who" your trusting in and claim the "promises" made in the Word because of God's love for you. The last step is Faith and Patience. When you know God is with you, that He loves you so much that He will provide all you need and what is best for you ... when you know that He is in control of all things ... and that nothing can separate you from His eternal love once your IN JESUS CHRIST (literally nothing can separate you) ... its THEN .... you will be able to "look beyond your disappointment" and "find strength, guidance, and peace in the Love of God -- Jesus Christ".
It is then that you will know that Your God is with you ... that He is mighty to save; Walking In Step With God's plan, purpose, and love for you life :)
Modified from Dr. Charles Stanley - "Looking Beyond Disappointment" sermon found on you tube called "Faith and Patience", with link below ... please listen to it ... + also what the Spirit put on my heart to write
** additional scripture -- John Ch. 11:1-43 -- The Death of Lazarus / especially verses 20-40**
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Battlefield of Life
Many of us would say: what is going on around us.
Our job, our family, our future, our finances, our economy, our community, or our relationships; the storm raging "all around me".
And rightly so ... there will be many battles that we will fight "around us". But in the face of lifes challenges and in the face of these battles, the primary battle that we will fight will not take place in the storm raging around us, but the storm raging within us; The Storm that takes place within our own heart and deep within our own mind.
The "battlefield of our life" isn't ouside of us ... rather it is within us.
The "battle" isn't other people, unfortunate circumstances, or tough scenarios; The battle is "me".
Stop for a moment, and before reading any further ask yourself: How do I see my life? Is my life focused around my desires and my wants for my greatest good OR is my life focused on what God wants for God's desire and God's greatest good in fulfilling His purpose and plan?
You might say, "I could careless about what God wants" or "I don't believe in God ... so I'm trying to milk my life for all its worth", but reflect on your answer ... and see what it reveals of you. I know before "knowing Jesus Christ" I had dreams and aspirations that were centered around "me" and that focused around "maximizing my benefits through life". The problem with our thinking is "its all about me!". "What do I want" is usually completely contradictory for "what does God want for my life?" And within that statement lies not only the problem but the solution: Our life isn't about us; We (our sins) are the problem. Our life is about loving and glorifying God in a relationship; Jesus Christ is the solution.
The problem within the hearts of all people is sin. Sin is "me" centered thinking; Sin is choosing what I want, whats best for me, and my way over God's way, what's best for His purpose, and what He ultimately desires for me.
Sin divides the mind. Sin removes all peace and purity within the heart. Sin leaves us empty ... and chasing after more and more and more. Sin is a fruitless journey that leads to confusion, destruction, and demise.
So ... moving on to application. What should we ask? What should we do?
Ask: Is my life driven by my desires Or is my life driven by God's love and what He wants of me? Is my life driven by my way (sin) or by God's love (surrendering).
Do: I can't tell you to do this or do that ... but this atleast I know: Christ showed us the way to victory over this life ... and it starts within us.
Transformation of our heart, our mind, our body and our Spirit ... "IN HIM"; IN the LOVE OF Jesus Christ.
Jesus not only shows us the way ... but He invites us to ...
(Jesus said), "Come ... follow me ..."; "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (in Him). " [Matthew 11:28]
Victory over "the sin within" comes only through a choice to surrender your heart and follow Jesus Christ in love. For the victory we all seek can only be found "In Him" ... in the transformational love of God -- Jesus Christ.
When we choose to remove ourselves, our desires, and our ways and CHOOSE to allow Christ to sit atop of the throne to our hearts, focusing on "love" and "eternity", ... we will no longer struggle with "our sin within" ... but we will begin to finally "live" with God, for God, and in the love that He has for us.
Ending on this ... You might ask ... "Why do I need to be tranformed from within ... I'm fine the way I am?"
Am I right? The truth of the matter is that God reveals to us that ... "we are far but fine ...that we are diseased, that we are saturated in Sin ... The awesome thing about this is God is prepared. He reveals to us that this life is only the "preface" to His great story of your life ... a story about hope, redemption, and eternal love and relationship with Him.
The beginning of the 1st chapter to the rest of your life .... begins with Jesus.
The answer lies in "the kingdom of God" ... what we all were destined for!
Jesus says that "the kingdom of God is not here nor there ... rather the Kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21); A choice of Faith in Jesus and Love for God.
The reason why we need to be tranformed within, is to wash away the old and allow God to make us into something new. For instance a caterpillar can't even begin to imagine what it will be like to "fly" the heights as a butterfly ... until the caterpillar is tranformed. When you were in the womb of your mother, you may have been only inches away from the world that awaited you upon your "transformation" (your birth) and there was no possible way for you to conceive all the glorious things that God had for you, that awaited for you once you were born.
That's why Jesus callx this transformation process ... "being born again" ... washing away the old ... and living life transformed in a way unimaginable ... living life through Him and with God :)
Jesus transforms lives. Jesus gives eternal life to all who believe ... starting the moment they believe. Jesus is the victory on the battlefield of life ... over the greatest battle we will ever face ... ourselves (our sin). :)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Roots of Stability: Roots or Shoots? Being well-rooted
In his book Oak: The Frame of Civilization, author William Bryant Logan says, "If a tree puts on a lot of top growth and few roots, it is liable to be weak-wooded and short lived ...
If a tree puts down a great deal of roots and adds shoots more slowly, however, it is liable to be long-lived and more resistant to stress and strain."
People and organizations can be a lot like trees. The rise to prominence (in a relationship, in an occupation, in life, etc) is exhilarating, but anything that puts "shoots" faster than it puts down "roots" is fragile and in danger of breaking, falling, or dying.
Jesus used a similar analogy in His 'parable of the sower'. Jesus said people who hear the Word and receive it joyfully are like seed sown on stony places; they spring up quickly but endure only a short time because they have no roots (Matthew 13:6, 20-21)
[Matthew 13:6] - "Because they had no root they withered away!"
Roots aren't at all glamorous, but they are the source of our strength (in adversity, in relationships, and in life, with God).
If our roots go deep in the knowledge of God (Jer. 9:24)** and our lives are rooted and built up in Him/His love (Col. 2:7), .... we'll be strong ... resistant to blight, and more likely to survive the storms of adversity.
For blight is "something that impairs growth, withers hopes and ambition, and impedes any type of progress or prosperity in living".
Being resistant from blight cannot come from our own resources or our own strength; For when our strength, our hope, and our resources are found in something beyond us ... God's love ... Jesus Christ ... it is then that we can face the storms of adversity with assurance and faith that the Love of God is with us, helping us; Strong roots in Jesus Christ eliminate all dangers of breaking, falling, or dying.
What are your roots? Are they strong enough for the adversities you will face throughout your life? HOW DEEP ARE YOUR ROOTS?
My prayer today: That I (we) will use the resources of God to put down roots that will make me (us) strong, rather than branches that will make me (us) attractive in the eyes of others.
Trees are supported and held up by the roots we do not see underground ... likewise ... no one will ever see your heart, your situation, and your faith ... the way God does :). Jesus is our root system.
The Roots of Stability come from being grounded in God's Word and in Prayer; In Jesus Christ (God's love).
Do you "know" Jesus Christ? Are you "rooted in Him? Do you want to be?
Jesus said -- [John 15:5-6]
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. No branch can survive by itself ... it must remain in the vine"
Are you connected to the vine?
(integrated from Daily Bread - September 5, 2008 --Roots or Shoots? -- and also what God spoke to my own heart) **(also Psalm 25:10)
(suggested scripture for "strong roots" verses - John 15:1,4,5-10; Colossians 2:7; Ephesians 3:17-19; Jeremiah 17:7-8; Philippians 4:11-13)
Spiritual warfare -- Getting rooted in Christ
I've been going through some adversities in my life and I've realized my inability to address the adversity properly and move forward in Faith, had been strongly connected to certain things going wrong within my own heart. Struggling with the "spiritual warfare" that has been going on within me and around me had a lot to do with aspects of my relationship with Jesus Christ that I have overlooked or thought that I HAD covered but I guess not completely -- specifically being "well rooted in Jesus Christ".
I will go on to explain what this means in the following blog, but I hope you can understand.
Rather on thinking "what about me", I've been working on focusing on "what about the Lord and what He wants to do through me and for me in my life".
Finally getting a grip on the truth: that my life isn't about me but serving Jesus Christ and sharing the "good news" in love ... I've been doing what I can to "strengthen my roots in Jesus Christ" and to use this time of adversity to draw me closer to Him and to focus on what He desires for me to learn and to grow from the storms of adversity.
So ... anyone who would feel up for praying for me, I would be very thankful.
Moving forward: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your OWN understanding, but IN ALL THINGS acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path and make it straight" [Proverbs 3:5-6]
I have faith that His love will carry me through all adversities in my life ... and all will turn out for good; that every little thing that occurs in my life ... will be all right :)
For His plan, His purpose, and His Glory -- in loving me and all those that are His will never fail. Amen
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Letting Go ...
I know I do. (Later in the blog I will reveal to you what I still lack to let go of...)
Whether it is a person, a lifestyle, pride, a grudge, or some thing ... it isn't easy to let go, but it surely doesn't benefit us by holding on to "it" either. Matter of fact, many people forfeit the blessing they could have received if they just trusted in God and let go. I wonder how many blessings people miss because they are unable to let go of something God is trying to pry out of our fingers for the sake of His love toward us?
Sadly, probably too many blessings. So the question remains ... Why don't we let go?
Fear of Change? Habit? Comfort? Uncertainty? Feels Good? Feeling in control?
This list goes on-and-on. Now the next question I pose is possibly one of the more important questions ... so think about this ...
What would you let go of (exchange) for eternal life in heaven?
What I mean is, what would you let go of here, now ... in order to receive an eternal reward, later?
What I'm leading at is: Would you be willing to let go of "You"?
I mean your lifestyle, the way you talked, the way you walked, the way you thought, the way you spent your time, etc.
Would you be willing to give up everything you are (leading up to this moment) if God wanted to make a "new you" (starting this moment) ... in exchange for the promise of eternal love-n-life in Heaven?
Tough questions ... I know ... but I just lay em out, for you and God to play em out.
The fact is one day we were born ... brought into this world and one day we will die ... be taken out. The bible tells us how all people will live forever ... either With God (In Heaven) or Separated from God (In Hell). And the ticket to heaven or hell is not based on being "a good person" or "deserving it" rather its based on "God's love and a choice". Love cannot be forced ... for love is a choice.
God allows us to make the choice ... either to live with Him in Heaven .... Forever OR to live without Him ... Separated... Forever (in the place people don't like to think about or talk about ... yet is very real).
The only choice that will matter in your life is this: Your way or God's Way.
Our way says ... I'll take my chances elsewhere. I choose to live for me and by me
God's way says ... All you have to do is place your Faith in Jesus, God's Son, and Love Jesus/God and others ... (The choice to live for God and by God).
WHY... Jesus? You might ask?
Because God is perfect. And to live in God ... forever (heaven) ... we need to be perfect to (meaning NO SIN in us ... not one). Which is impossible ... correct?
That's why God came down as a man named Jesus, and died for the sin of the world. (John 3:16)
The only hope of "forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God". No other "religion" out there offers this hope. And either Jesus is a liar or He truly is the Son of God and God himself who died for the worlds sins so you and me could be seen as "perfect" in God's eyes, through Jesus ...
Jesus said, "No one comes to Heaven (God the Father) except through me" [John 14:6]
I abuse this verse because it summarizes the entire bible, faith, and hope.
So the fact of the matter is ... we all have a choice ... love cannot be forced.
As for me ... I told you earlier I had trouble letting go of something and I do.
I have trouble "letting go" of "all of me". Its when I let go of "what I want, what I hope for my future, what my dreams are, what I'm worried about, what's bothering me" ... that I find my purpose, my peace, and my identity in the Love found in Jesus Christ.
Its when I let go of me, and fall into the arms of Jesus ... that I "don't worry ... about a thing ... and I know that ... every little thing ... is gonna be alright".
What are you not letting go of ... that may be blocking the blessing God is trying to give you?
Will you let go of you and fall into the arms of Jesus (God's love/Heaven)?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Importance of Prayer and Faith in God's Love to Answer -- in recognition of National Prayer Day (05/07/09)
Many people have an easier time saying 'Yes' to the first two questions, yet are skeptical upon how to answer the third. Many people are uncertain, unsure, and doubtful that God not only hears their prayers, but "cares" enough about them, to answer.
Whether you believe in God or not ... the fact remains that everyone looks to God for help at some point-in-time throughout their life. No matter who you are or what you believe ... its ironic how most people turn to God and cry out for help in moments of complete desperation.
I wonder if you have ever heard someone do this or perhaps maybe you have even done this yourself?
Having talked with many different types people who held different beliefs and different personalities throughout my life, one thing I find that many people ask of me, time and again, is a simple request: "Can you pray for me?"
Not only do we all "need" prayer, but we all "seek" prayer.
Church go-er or a non church go-er, Religious or non-religious -- means very little .... for all people are wired to "seek" God (for companionship, assistance, guidance, and love) and usually it comes in the form of our "prayer".
All people are created to have a relationship with God and prayer is the unconscious mechanism within us that "seeks" God and that relationship (in good times, bad times, or at all times).
Do you ever pray? Have you ever prayed? I wonder, if you do pray or have prayed, ... at what times or moments in your life do you find yourself praying or asking for prayer?
Do you pray only during tough times ... when bad news arises?
Do you pray during times of confusion ... when seeking guidance or direction for the next step?
Do you pray when things are going well ... when you just received Good news or when filled with a great joy and thankfulness?
When do you pray? Why do you pray? And to whom do you pray to?
What is "prayer" anyways?
Prayer is our way of reaching out to God. Prayer is the essence of having a relationship with God (through Jesus Christ).
When someone prays, they share their heart with God and reach out to Him for His love, for His guidance, and for His assistance. Men and women were designed for a relationship with God ... and prayer is our way of communicating with God in that relationship.
When I used to pray to God ... I usually only prayed during a major dilemma in my life. And in that moment of prayer, I rarely ever believed that God would hear my prayer and help me. I thought things like, "I don't deserve his answer/help" or "He probably has more important things to deal with than my problems", yet all these were deceitful lies from within myself. God always cares! God is always willing and able to help!
A faithless prayer is just words ... an empty shell. The reason why it is an empty prayer is the fact that a relationship with God rest on two pillars of choice: "Faith in Jesus and Love for God". Faith is essential to knowing God and therefore essential to prayer. A prayer that "hopes" God will hear you and "hopefully" will answer ... is a defeating prayer of uncertainty and doubt.
"If any of you lacks wisdom (guidance), he should ask(pray to) God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. **But when he asks (prays), he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord" {James 1:5-7}
Prayer is reliant on Faith ... that God loves you... hears you, cares for you, and will help you (answer). Faith is the basis of our relationship with God.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." {Hebrews 11:1}
Faith and Prayer go hand in hand. Its not about what words you say or how you pray, but prayer is about your faith in God ... to not only hear your prayer, but to answer yout prayer in His timing, in His way, out of the endless love He has for you. There might be moments when you "feel" God isn't listening or isn't responding, but we can rest on God's Truths that:
"In all things we know that God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose, his plan, and his love" (Romans 8:28).
God hears all your prayers and He answers ever single prayer in His timing and in His way ... knowing what is best for you, for Him, and most importantly for your relationship with Him.Branching from Faith ... prayer is the next step to a growing relationship with God.
Have Faith in all your prayers ... because God not only hears you, but loves you ... desiring to help you in all you do. God will answer you, when you call on Him.
Do you "know" God personally?
Closing on this ... Jesus says... " No one knows the Father except the Son and to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him" [Luke 10:22]. What does this mean? My interpretation of this is that Jesus is saying there is only one bridge to a relationship with God and He is the bridge. God does not withhold His love from anyone ... but He makes it very clear that there is One God, One Love, One Creator of all, and One way to Him. You may here me say, "I have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ" ... because Jesus states that He is "the gate", the "only way" and that "no one comes to God the Father except through Him"(John 14:6). Therefore, it is only through Jesus Christ, by Faith, in Love, that I have a relationship with God.
My relationship with God is based solely on: Faith in Jesus and Love for God.