Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Importance of Prayer and Faith in God's Love to Answer -- in recognition of National Prayer Day (05/07/09)

Do you believe in God? If you do believe, do you believe God cares about you? If the answer to the 1st two questions is 'Yes' ... what about this ... do you believe that if you pray to God that He is not only able to hear your prayer, but also willing/able to answer your prayer?

Many people have an easier time saying 'Yes' to the first two questions, yet are skeptical upon how to answer the third. Many people are uncertain, unsure, and doubtful that God not only hears their prayers, but "cares" enough about them, to answer.

Whether you believe in God or not ... the fact remains that everyone looks to God for help at some point-in-time throughout their life. No matter who you are or what you believe ... its ironic how most people turn to God and cry out for help in moments of complete desperation.
I wonder if you have ever heard someone do this or perhaps maybe you have even done this yourself?
Having talked with many different types people who held different beliefs and different personalities throughout my life, one thing I find that many people ask of me, time and again, is a simple request: "Can you pray for me?"

Not only do we all "need" prayer, but we all "seek" prayer.
Church go-er or a non church go-er, Religious or non-religious -- means very little .... for all people are wired to "seek" God (for companionship, assistance, guidance, and love) and usually it comes in the form of our "prayer".
All people are created to have a relationship with God and prayer is the unconscious mechanism within us that "seeks" God and that relationship (in good times, bad times, or at all times).

Do you ever pray? Have you ever prayed? I wonder, if you do pray or have prayed, ... at what times or moments in your life do you find yourself praying or asking for prayer?
Do you pray only during tough times ... when bad news arises?
Do you pray during times of confusion ... when seeking guidance or direction for the next step?
Do you pray when things are going well ... when you just received Good news or when filled with a great joy and thankfulness?

When do you pray? Why do you pray? And to whom do you pray to?
What is "prayer" anyways?

Prayer is our way of reaching out to God. Prayer is the essence of having a relationship with God (through Jesus Christ).
When someone prays, they share their heart with God and reach out to Him for His love, for His guidance, and for His assistance. Men and women were designed for a relationship with God ... and prayer is our way of communicating with God in that relationship.

When I used to pray to God ... I usually only prayed during a major dilemma in my life. And in that moment of prayer, I rarely ever believed that God would hear my prayer and help me. I thought things like, "I don't deserve his answer/help" or "He probably has more important things to deal with than my problems", yet all these were deceitful lies from within myself. God always cares! God is always willing and able to help!
A faithless prayer is just words ... an empty shell. The reason why it is an empty prayer is the fact that a relationship with God rest on two pillars of choice: "Faith in Jesus and Love for God". Faith is essential to knowing God and therefore essential to prayer. A prayer that "hopes" God will hear you and "hopefully" will answer ... is a defeating prayer of uncertainty and doubt.

"If any of you lacks wisdom (guidance), he should ask(pray to) God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. **But when he asks (prays), he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord" {James 1:5-7}

Prayer is reliant on Faith ... that God loves you... hears you, cares for you, and will help you (answer). Faith is the basis of our relationship with God.

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." {Hebrews 11:1}

Faith and Prayer go hand in hand. Its not about what words you say or how you pray, but prayer is about your faith in God ... to not only hear your prayer, but to answer yout prayer in His timing, in His way, out of the endless love He has for you. There might be moments when you "feel" God isn't listening or isn't responding, but we can rest on God's Truths that:

"In all things we know that God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose, his plan, and his love" (Romans 8:28).

God hears all your prayers and He answers ever single prayer in His timing and in His way ... knowing what is best for you, for Him, and most importantly for your relationship with Him.

" The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made.
The LORD upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.
The eyes of all look to you (LORD), and you give them their food at the proper time.You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
The LORD is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made.
The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
He fulfills the desires of those who fear him (loving awe); he hears their cry and saves them.
The LORD watches over all who love him."
{Psalm 145:13-20}
Take the time and talk to God in prayer. Share with Him your heart. Tell Him what your thankful for, tell Him what you need, ask all types of requests ... for God made you, to love you, and so that you could love him back.
Branching from Faith ... prayer is the next step to a growing relationship with God.
Have Faith in all your prayers ... because God not only hears you, but loves you ... desiring to help you in all you do. God will answer you, when you call on Him.

Do you "know" God personally?
Closing on this ... Jesus says... " No one knows the Father except the Son and to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him" [Luke 10:22]. What does this mean? My interpretation of this is that Jesus is saying there is only one bridge to a relationship with God and He is the bridge. God does not withhold His love from anyone ... but He makes it very clear that there is One God, One Love, One Creator of all, and One way to Him. You may here me say, "I have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ" ... because Jesus states that He is "the gate", the "only way" and that "no one comes to God the Father except through Him"(John 14:6). Therefore, it is only through Jesus Christ, by Faith, in Love, that I have a relationship with God.

My relationship with God is based solely on: Faith in Jesus and Love for God.
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