Why do I have this blog?
I have this blog to share with you the Love of God -- Jesus Christ.
I have this blog as a testimony.
I have this blog to testify to the greatest love I've ever known.
I have this blog to be a lamp that shines the loving light of Jesus to others who are hopeless, helpless, hurting, or lost ... to all who are confused or deceived; and to those who are seeking, searching, or longing to find the only "peace" that fills the emptiness within.
I have this blog because I believe it's every one's God given right to "know" that
there is a hope, there is a peace, there is a truth, and there is a
love that can heal all hurts, a
love that gives you new life, a
love that forgives all failures, a
love that fills you with constant joy, a
love that gives you eternal life, and a
love that will never leave you ... never forsake you ... and most importantly,
a love that will never fail.This Love -- is the Love of God -- Jesus Christ.{Ephesians 2:8-10}
This love is a gift. You do not have to "earn" this love. You merely have to receive it.
You receive this love by faith (belief); "faith" welcomes Jesus into your heart, into your life, to live along side you from the moment you "place your faith in Him" unto forever
.To receive this Love, all you have to do is "ask God": {John 1:12-13}
(a) acknowledging that you've sinned at least once in your life (sinner),
(b) believe Jesus is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose from the dead (living God)
(c) welcoming Jesus into your heart and into your life, to live side by side with you every breath of everyday through a relationship via prayer, the bible, faith and love.
A.k.a "Following Jesus - living out love"
One day ... I took a leap of faith ... I went from hopeless to a hope --the hope. One day I placed my belief, hope, faith, and love in Jesus ... and life has been unbelievable since. There really is a happily-ever-after ... (if it weren't true, i wouldn't say so) ... I don't believe in magic; I believe in love ... I believe in Jesus.
{John 8:12} - Jesus says, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me, will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
Forgiveness of all sin, Eternal life and love with God in Heaven, Peace, Joy, Truth, Purpose. Don't wait ... receive your happily - ever - after today .... His name is Jesus; He is love.
His love is for you ... and I pray that you decide to "take the leap of faith" and receive what is rightfully yours. I pray this in Jesus Name. Amen
(Any questions -- please read the book of John -- found in the bible, Eyewitness to Jesus) (He was boiled alive, for not withdrawing what He saw and His belief that Jesus was the Son of God). (This is me, sharing with you, the love that has given me "life" -- No more, No less. God bless).