Friday, January 30, 2009

It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick

Have you ever been sick? Being sick is the worst. It's painful. It's distracting. It's draining.

That is why when we get sick, we do whatever it takes to be healed and healthy once again.Are you willing to be healed?

Do you want to be healthy from the inside out?

No one is perfect and that's a good thing. For if we were all perfect, we would have no need for God, or for love, or for help (salvation).

Yet, we are a people who have weaknesses, who have flaws, who get lost. We are a people who hurt, a people who long, and a people who get sick.We are all sinners. We all have messed up at least once in our life, whether it was in thought or action. And to God, we are the sick.

Yet, our God is full of love, full of compassion, and full of mercy ... and He longs to heal us.That is why He sent his Son, Jesus, to shine a light of hope for all people. And in this hope, God planned to heal the creation he loves so dearly ... us.

Jesus will come to you.
He may come to you from a friend, or a peer, or a co-worker. He may come to you from a stranger, on a television program, or through a publication. The "word" and "name" Jesus will find you, you won't have to find Him. He will come to you wherever you are, however you are ... because God loves you and desires you to "know" him and be healed. He desires all creation to "know" Him through a relationship by faith in Jesus. He desires to heal our sickness -- "sin".

Unless we are "healed", we can never know God through a "healthy" relationship of faith and love. Matter of fact, God tells us through the word that "sin" separates us from him and that we cannot "know" him intimately/personally unless that sin is overcome.
Jesus has overcome sin for all; all he requires is your faith and love.

Jesus says - "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" "No one knows the Father except the Son and whom the Son chooses to reveal Him to". (John 14:6) (Matthew 11;27)

Today, through reading this, Jesus comes to you. He calls you. He desires to heal the hurt, fulfill the longing inside, and make you healthy in a way you've never experienced before.
Through a relationship by Faith in Him.

If you hear his name or read his name, at that moment He knocks on the door of your heart. In that moment, you are forced to take a stand. Either you place your faith in him, believe, and let him in or you decide not to. It's your choice. Gods love is a gift. A gift can only be received if the receiver accepts the gift.

If your reading this and you don't "know" Jesus or "haven't" placed your faith in him (for better words) ... Jesus approaches your heart and your forced to take a stand. Be healed or stay sick. He came to you because He love you. Either you can welcome Him in or send Him away. Your decision is monumental, for it decides where you go.

Be healed. The greatest love I've ever known; The love that has set me free; Jesus Christ. God bless you, and I pray that you too may have this love and relationship through Faith in Him. It's free; His love was meant for you, all you have to do is receive it :)

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