Is it what you do or who you are?
For example, we can do "good deeds" in the eyes of others, for the praise from others but be completely wicked and twisted on the inside.
What matters more? What we do outwardly or who we are inwardly? I ask you ...
I believe the answer is clear.
To understand who we are, we must understand who God is (The God who made us). We must understand his nature.
The nature of God is love. There is nothing you can do that would make him love you more and there is nothing you can do that will make him love you less. He loves you because he loves you. He loves you all the time ... all the way. His love never changes. He never changes. He is the definition of consistency; there is none more consistent then the One True God--maker of Heaven and Earth -- the God who made you and lives to love you.
Are you in sin or in Christ?
What you're "in", will determine who you are.
So the question is are you sinless? Have you committed at least one sin in your life?
If the answer is yes ( heck :) I hope you answered yes) then you stand separated from God.
Sin separates us from God. For sin is death and sin is darkness. In God there is no sin. Nada.
There is no getting around it, if you sinned once, you stand condemned ... separated from God.
In Christ -- we are redeemed; we are sinless; we are born again; we are Children of God
"This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."
So, what does it mean to be in Christ? Is it what we do for Him or who we are in Him?
Think about the roots of any plant. You can't see them. They are rooted deep under the soil. All you can see is the wonderful life it produces above the ground. Yet, the roots of all plants, are in essence its source of life. Without the roots ... the plant cannot live, it cannot grow, it cannot bear fruit, leaves, or anything; apart from the roots it can do nothing. If the roots are weak, the plant doesn't live long, it withers away and dies. If the roots are strong, the plant lives fruitfully -- through storm, drought, shade, or change.
No doubt, it is important that "whatever we do, that we do it in the name of Jesus Christ, for love"(Colossians 2:17) ; But there is a greater importance in who we are within Him.
Our spiritual growth begins within, not from without.
It's who we are in Him; its what occurs in the stillness of our hearts, that only the Lord Jesus sees ... that matters to him ... for who we are in Him (like a plant) will bear fruit in our life without us trying, thinking, or striving to.
Its when we rest in him, that we find out who we are. We are his beloved. His sheep. His Children. We are the image of Jesus Christ. Love.
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