Monday, April 27, 2009

What voice leads you through life?

When was the last time that you went a full day without hearing someone's voice? I mean ... not one voice at all for 24 hours? I know for myself, there has not been one day in my entire life this has happened.
It's funny, when you think about all the different voices your ears have probably heard leading up to today. Now think about all the people who spoke words that you listened to.

I wonder, what made you listen to that persons opinion, advice, comment, belief, or feedback over let say everyone else you did not listen to?

And when I mean listen, I mean impacting your heart and mind in such a way that it causes you to make a decision, take a stand, or consider various thought. Did you listen because they were wise? Did you listen perhaps because its someone you love? Or maybe you listen because it was someone you trust? Or maybe you look at that person and see things going "good" for them and so you listen in hopes that things will inturn go "good" for you as well?

But ... what voice guides you through your life? What voice tells you what is right and wrong, to go left instead of right, or to do this and to do that?

Looking back on my entire life ... I observed that I listened to two voices.
One was the voice that was of "me". The voice that always led me down bad roads that looked good, felt good, and therefore where desireable to my eyes and my body.
The "Me" voice always asked this one question: "What about Me?
In the bible this nature of men/women is called the "flesh". The "flesh" is owned by sin, infact ... the flesh loves sin ... its the only thing it feeds on ... strictly a sinatarian :) Sin is strictly defined as doing things my way rather than God's way. Knowing what is right, but choosing bad because "I love to feel good".
The other voice was the voice I call "God's love" ... always with me, always helping, always trying to guide me back to Him. Some may refer to this voice as "the angel on your shoulder". Psychologist will call this your voice of "reason" or morality, but this voice is far more than that. This voice is completely spiritual. Its composition is entirely love. Its all light, consisting of no darkness. This voice doesn't focus on you, rather it focuses on "God", on "others", on what is "right" ---This voice was driven by love; This voice is the "loving hand of God" that He has placed on everything in all creation.

Are you familiar with these two voices? I really want you to ask yourself a question, not for me, but for yourself .... Looking within yourself ...
Do you "know" God personally/intimately? Are you able to talk to Him like you talk to your mom, your best friend, or anyone else? Are you able to not only hear, but listen to His voice?

For most of my life ... my answer was No ... to all 3 questions. But Gods love never stopped pursuing me. Today, I can completely say that "God" is the voice I not only hear and listen to, but follow. And I might have felt like I "knew" God my entire life, but I really didn't, until I came to "know", Jesus Christ personally and intimately in a relationship, not a religion.

Jesus is not only the only gate to God, but He is also the "guide" of all those who know Him! I am able to hear His voice everyday ... not in my head or with my ears ... but in my heart ... where His Spirit resides.
{Jesus said} I am the Good Shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. 30I and the Father are one." [John 10:14,27-30]

Look into your heart an ask one question: Do I have any longing to "know" the God who made me and to "experience" love in a way that I have not experienced ever before?
If you want to know Jesus Christ... if you want to hear his voice ... if you want to experience eternal life ... and love that can never be removed from you, ever, (unconditional) ... all that you have to do is say: "I want that"
When you say that, my friends ...Your eternal safe in God's heart (nothing can remove you). When you say "I want that love. I want to know God personally and intimately" ... when you decide to place your hope in something greater than yourself as your "hope for heaven" ... its then that you will have it.
Therefore Jesus said again, "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
[John 10:7-10]
What is the voice that leads you through Life?
Where will you stand?

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