Monday, June 1, 2009

Looking Beyond Disappointment

Reality - We all get disappointed!
The issue is How do we respond?
No matter who you are ... you are going to experience disappointment! Chances are you will experience a disappointment this week ... maybe even today.

There are several principles the bible gives us that allows us to "look beyond our disappointment".

I. God has a purpose for allowing the disappointments of our life.
We forget that He is God! He could prevent any disappointment if He wanted to.
God always has a purpose for allowing us to go through difficulties in our life.
God always has a purpose that is centered around "our good".
God has a "good purpose" for everything in your life.

In the midst of our disappointment ... we don't want to become stalled or derailed in frustration, anxiety, or hopelessness. Remember, God always has a good purpose for the disappointments we go through in life and therefore ... looking beyond our disappointments, we need to make the most of this opportunity in learning how to focus on Him and ask:
"What is it that you have in mind, what is it out there that you want me to learn, what is it about you ... that you want me to know, what is it about you, God, that you want me to learn?"

The second principal ...

II. God is more interested is our spiritual growth (IN HIM) than relieving our temporary disappointments.
God desires us. He desires our heart to be: focused on Him, drawn closer to Him, and centered/ reliant on HIM; To God ... we are the apple of his eye and He desires us to make Him the apple of our eye. It's all about Him -- Bringing us back to Him.

If you love someone ... will you not always want what is best for them? If you love someone ... will you not always try to provide what is best for them?
So the question is: Does God love us? YES
Does God always want what is best for us? ALWAYS ... not sometimes, not most of the time ... ALWAYS! Does He provide His best for us? ALWAYS! Do we experience God's best all the time? NO! Why?

We don't always experience God's best because we are not willing to surrender to what "His best" is for us. God's choice for what is best isn't always our choice for what we feel is best. We think we have needs that God knows we don't have ... and we don't think we have needs, that God knows we do have.
That is why, often in our disappointments, because we lose, because there is loss or separation or something out there that happens that places us in a position of great disappointment .... we cry out "God ... How could you love me and allow this to happen?"

And all the time ... God is loving us. You know how I know that ... because God is love. It's God's nature to love and He does not know how to be or do anything different. God tells us through the bible that He loves us no matter what is going on in our life (his children).

The ultimate expression of love is the cross in which Jesus Christ died on for us. He carried all our disappointments, shortcomings, failures, and sins ... paying everything in full so that you can live with God in heaven ... is there anything more He needs to do for us ... NO nothing ... His love covers every aspect of our life.

So .. how do we claim victory in difficult times and look beyond disappointment ...?
Faith that God is in control will enable you to endure every disappointment that life throws before you!
If God is not in control of our lives ... we are like a child in a row boat ... lost out at sea in the middle of the storm; a victim ... with no help, no hope, and no assurance accept that we are alone.
If God is not in control ... we cannot have assurance about anything in life ... not one thing.
But the truth is ... God is in control of your life ... if you trusted Jesus as your Saviour.

So what about those who have not placed there faith or trust in Jesus Christ as their Saviour?
Is there any way for them to have confidence and hope in the face of the disappointments, difficulties, and troubles we face?
No ... no confidence, no faith, no nothing ... except themselves. Why? Because there is no way to "know" God personally and to have all your sin removed, so that the "sin wall" that separates us from God is removed ... apart from going through Jesus Christ. For those individuals who face disappointments and difficulties who haven't placed there faith in Jesus Christ ... there is no assurance, no rescue, and no peace ... just confusion, frustration, and deterioration of hope.
The only thing those individuals can be assured of is: that God loves you still ... and will do all that He can, in his power, to come to you and draw you to the rescue of Jesus Christ -- His love.

Besides this blog ... have you ever been approached in troubled times by the "thought of, or word ... Jesus Christ?" In that moment ... we can make a choice: (a). to go our way, reject God's offer to save, and to continue down the path of no hope -- those who make themselves their own God; OR (b). In our difficulty we choose to accept the help of God, turning to a love that is greater than ourselves and leaving all that crap behind us ... we turn to Jesus ... and find the rescue we need in His love, in His peace, and in a trust that we are now back in the arms of God, forgiven for all our sins ... because of our choice ... to place our faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God -our forgiveness of sin and Hope for eternal life/love with God.

In order to look past your disappointment ... we must turn to God and trust in His love and faithfulness. The first step is turning to God in prayer. The second step is to learn about the nature and character known as "God the Father" and "Jesus Christ" in the bible so that you can know "who" your trusting in and claim the "promises" made in the Word because of God's love for you. The last step is Faith and Patience. When you know God is with you, that He loves you so much that He will provide all you need and what is best for you ... when you know that He is in control of all things ... and that nothing can separate you from His eternal love once your IN JESUS CHRIST (literally nothing can separate you) ... its THEN .... you will be able to "look beyond your disappointment" and "find strength, guidance, and peace in the Love of God -- Jesus Christ".
It is then that you will know that Your God is with you ... that He is mighty to save; Walking In Step With God's plan, purpose, and love for you life :)

Modified from Dr. Charles Stanley - "Looking Beyond Disappointment" sermon found on you tube called "Faith and Patience", with link below ... please listen to it ... + also what the Spirit put on my heart to write
** additional scripture -- John Ch. 11:1-43 -- The Death of Lazarus / especially verses 20-40**


Rachelle Chloe said...

This is just what I needed, I googled the title exactly and knew God would provide the exact resource I needed to take into my spirit. Thanks!!!

Drew McCloskey said...
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