Because they are hungry. Because their bodies tell them that it needs more of that "food" stuff. And without "food" we become weak, we become wearied, and we become desperate. A person who is starving and in need of food ... isn't picky or choosey when it comes to what food they eat ... for their body tells them to, "just give me anything ... any food ... that can fill and stop this horrible hunger that I feel". And so a person in desperation will eat practically anything, from anwhere, no matter what the costs, consequences, or later result.
Isn't this the way we live our life?
We feed and feed and feed ... as if we are starving ... and starving we are.
We feed on others' opinions, our appearance, our status, on momentary conditions, and positions in life.
We feed on money, on relationships, on achievements, on productivity, and mostly on things that feel good.
We feed from the minute we wake up ... until the moment we go to sleep.
We seek food and feed on "things" we think will fill us up ... yet day in and day out ... we are still hungry, we need more, and in the lack of satisfaction from the "food" we feed on ... in a sense ... we are still starving ...
We are still starving because we feed our bodies, we feed our minds, and we feed our desires ... but what we forget to feed ... is our soul.
For the food that the soul needs goes deeper and demands greater than the food this world can offer.
Our soul demands a food that removes the depression created from the dissatisfaction, the discontentment, and more importantly the disunity we have deep within.
Our soul hungers for only one type of food, it thirsts for a unique type of water ... and our soul can only quench that thirst and receive fullness from the hunger from the source that gives life, sustains life, produces life, and most importantly saves life ...
Jesus Christ....
"Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." (John 6:35)
"All that the Father (God) has given me will come to me and I will never drive them away...For my Fathers will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him/her up at the last day." (John 6:40)
Our Soul hungers for God ... for Love ... for acceptance ... for reason ... for Hope ... For Truth ... but also ... for Life
The only food that will ever fill the hunger deep within ... is the love that unites us with God, giving our life more than just hope, acceptance, and reason ... but the love that gives us life ... the light of life and hope for all humanity ... Jesus Christ.
In this world you will have many moments of opportunity that present you with many choices and decision that will impact your life tremendously ....
But above all opportunities ... above all important decisions and choices that you will make ...
there will be no greater decision, no greater choice, no greater opportunity ... than this:
Will You receive Jesus Christ as the hope for eternal life with God?
The only decision that will matter in your life ... is this!
For your decision will determine whether you stand "With God ... eternally" OR "Against God ... separated forever".
Everything you said is very true, I just focus on the actual food part. If you think about how long people lived, as written in the bible, and how long people live today, you have to wonder, what were they doing that they lived so long? And why do we only live for a fraction of that? Eat what god intended you to eat :)
@ Megan's comment: The years that are written in the Old Testament, are those the same length of time as today's years? But, yeah, I totally agree with the idea of eating healthy (along with sleeping enough hours, keeping fit, and spending time with God).
In regards to the original post... I must admit, I really enjoy eating... not surprising, perhaps, considering that I've been getting a little out of shape, since the busy-ness of classes have kept me from the gym (I only went once since the semester started, and that was a few days ago!). Not that I'm gluttonous... at least, I don't think I am. I just enjoy eating, so I don't wait until I'm starving. I guess that's why I put a little thought into which cuisine I want for most of my meals. I guess living in the NYC area spoiled me? Talk about "no matter the costs, consequences, or later result"!
But, yeah, great metaphor. I have a (sinful!) tendency to feed on other's opinions - not everyone's opinion matter to me, just specific people's... people on my so-called "VIP List". Continuing this food metaphor, their comments are like sushi. I can eat all I want, but I know that it won't be long before I get hungry again. It just doesn't fill me... at least, not for long.
However, I think my greatest weakness is relationships. It's what makes or breaks my health (talk about psychosomatic!), concentration, etc. It's really unhealthy. I'm trying to surrender it to God... which is why I'm not dating this year.
But the other things that you listed, like my appearance, status, positions in life, money, achievements, etc. aren't as important to me. They are "nice to have"s, not do-or-die.
Yeah, I know... I need Jesus. Each and every day. Unfortunately, to be honest, this semester has been really stretching me. Between studying/reading/writing for classes and ministry, I'm running out of time. I pray every night and I'm going through Max Lucado's "Grace for the Moment," but it's not nearly enough.
Please pray for me, too!
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